If you are thinking of small wedding in a Minneapolis park or eloping in a park in St Paul, here are some tips for you!
Both Minneapolis and St Paul are currently taking reservations, however St Paul is only doing reservations after August 1st.
MINNEAPOLIS PARKS WEDDINGS WEBSITE / permits@minneapolisparks.org / 612-230-6427
Minneapolis has a new low-impact wedding permit that allows couples to host an intimate wedding ceremony in an outdoor park setting . This would be for no more than 10 attendees, allow for social distance protocols and can be scheduled immediately
You can find the application in their website. Permit is $100 for one hour, they can stay longer . No chairs or rentals allowed (hence the low impact), only for older guests if needed. Includes permit for photos. The new low impact permit will continue to be an option for a while to allow up to 30 guests or more following state guidelines (once allowed).
For next year 2021, they have 3 hour rentals is 525 tax or 6 hour rentals 525 (not available right now)
Minneapolis has over 200 Park locations, our favorite are: Lyndale Peace Gardens. Longfellow gardens is popular but under construction, so you might go scout it first! Close by is the Pergola at Minnehaha Falls . Loring Park Gardens have beautiful gardens too , as well as the Sculpture Garden with all of its 4 plazas!
St Paul WEDDINGS WEBSITE / ParksPermits@ci.stpaul.mn.us / 651-266-6400
The city of St Paul fees are $150 Rental fee for 2 hours, and additional hours for $75.
St Paul’s Parks are gorgeous!

Wedding at Irvine Park in St Paul
Irvine Park Wedding Ceremonies
Our Favorite for Irvine Park Wedding (see gallery here) – , however keep in mind that parking is tricky as it is only permit parking around the park. You should consider riding together as the city only allows permit parking for 20% of the estimated guests.
Rice Park is another gorgeous park, which has street parking ( no reserved parking) . Mears Park is another gorgeous one!
Summit Overlook has a fantastic view of the Mississipi .
For St Paul you will be able to check the parks availability online.
This gorgeous place in Edina is currently booking for small ceremonies. You can view the availability online, if the date for late summer or fall seems booked, call to verify as many weddings are getting rescheduled.
THREE RIVERS PARKS WEDDINGS WEBSITE / weddinginfo@threeriversparks.org / 763-559-6700
For weddings at Three Rivers, they accept reservations for outdoor facilities for groups of 10 or fewer. All indoor facility reservations are on hold, as well as outdoor reservations for groups of more than 10 people .
They also have unique picnic sites and shelters you can book for your event.
Do your Research on other Park Weddings!
You can get married in some places you didn’t even know (like Mill Ruins Park!) . If you are looking for something different than what Minneapolis + St Paul wedding sites look like , just reach out! Contact the administrative office and find out if you can host your wedding or not. They are usually pretty helpful with this!
Get a permit / application/ Fees done
Check your permit for amount of guests and how many hours you can stay at your location. How many hours can you stay for the ceremony, and how many for photos?
Find information about parking, time restrictions, cleanup, music, restrooms, microphones, decorations, rentals, food or beverages and even location exclusivity ! Most parks are still going to be open to the public.
Scout the venues
Make sure that the venue looks like what it does in the internet. Check our their spaces and the backdrops. Sometimes there is construction, landscape changes! Asses how much traffic it gets, how complicated truly is the parking, what’s close by.
Research what might be happening the same day around your venue. What time is the light looking the best. The best time is usually around sunset, but you could also do a sunrise setting, or if your park has a shaded area, you can scout the location at that time to see what it looks like.
Have a Plan B in case of rain before renting your venue and check on any additional fees.
Find your team
Thinking of hosting a small or intimate wedding ? Let’s talk! I am happy to help you find your venue, park and team!